• 08 9164 8836
  • Old Tech School, Christmas Island

What’s On in 2024

Each year ACCI hosts an array of workshops and events for the community. Find out what’s on for the current year and take a look at our previous years.

Open Studio: Throughout the year

The Arts Room is open most Tuesday nights throughout the year.
Our Open Studio provides opportunities for all local artists to access our large, well-equipped space for their own new, or ongoing creative projects. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for Open Studio session times.

International Women’s Night: March

In collaboration with IOTHS, design a logo and print on 200 calico bags for IWD event. Hold a stall for participants to individualise their bags with textile pens.

Pottery: March

2x3hr sessions to design, make, and glaze a handmade ceramic piece. Led by local artist Jo Doble.

Bubs And Seniors Music: March – December

Tri-weekly intergenerational music sessions with the Mums & Bubs group, together with the respite Seniors’ group.

Family Workshops: April – December

Monthly Sunday sessions for families, offering a variety of art and craft activities.

Textiles: April

Community workshops with textile artist Jacky Cheng. Organised by RAWA.

Lino Prints: April

2x3hr sessions to learn how to develop a design, cut lino, and print a tri-colour artwork. Led by localartist Jo Doble.

Oral Histories: May

Community and school workshops on collecting oral histories, and the practices and methods of doing oral history interviews. Led by visiting oral historian Dr. Elaine Rabbitt; organised by RAWA.

Marine Rope Weaving: June

3x3hr workshops to create a woven artwork using a loom, recycled marine rope and marine debris. Led by visiting Cocos (Keeling) artist Emma Washer.

Shows On The Go: July

Samama Salama Odyssey tour. Public performances and workshops.

Welding For Beginners: July

2x3hr Introductory, and 1x3h advanced workshops on the basics of welding, and using the techniques to produce a simple artwork. Led by visiting metal sculptor Ian Michael.

Gelli Plate Painting: July

3x3hr sessions using gelli plate, brayer, acrylic paints, and other materials to create custom papers, patterns, and artworks. Led by visiting artist Jane Michael, and local artist Trinity Ford.

Mosaics: August

Community workshops on the basics of creating mosaics; up skilling of participants with previous experience, and the completion of mosaic panels for the two barbeques at the Police Padang. Led by visiting mosaic artist Sandy Robertson.

Ukelele: September

4×1.5hr sessions to learn the basics of ukulele playing. Led by local musicians Barb and Steve Roberts.

Carols by Candlelight: December

Carols By Candlelight – a community event with local musicians leading. Based on the annual event previously hosted by ACCI for many years.

Past Workshops & Events


IOT Touring


For the most up to date information on all activities, please click on the link to view our Facebook page.

Every year ACCI hosts workshops and events that teach new skills, grow old skills and entertain the community – all whilst supporting community connection and engagement. Here are some workshops, events and projects ACCI have brought to the Christmas Island community over the years –